
we have carefully designed our toddler classrooms and equipped them with child-focused furnishings and Montessori materials to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in an interesting and stimulating environment. Our Toddler program is designed to help the child in taking the important first steps away from home into a warm, nurturing, supportive and healthy environment. You can rest assured that your child will enjoy and flourish in our family-like, social grouping where learning takes place naturally in a happy environment guided by ECE and Montessori teachers.
Our bright, spacious classes are licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services and follow the 5:1 children-to-caregiver ratio as well as the required child space allocation area. The large, low windows let in ample natural light and allow the children to see outside. The washrooms adjoin each classroom and are equipped with mini-toilets to assist in toilet-training. When required, a sanitary change table and high capacity exhaust fan keep the environment clean and odour free. In addition, the state-of-the-art facilities with superb air filtration and negative ion generation enhance the children’s well-being.
For the children’s active play and physical development we offer a large, open, clean and private yard in a natural setting. The playground features a soft pavement, slide, mini-swing and well-maintained sand box.
Emotional Development
Our ECE and Montessori teachers respond in a warm and supportive manner with loving affection to each child’s emotional needs. Their focused attention complements the Montessori transitional method to help your child easily adjust to the new environment.
Our Toddler Philosophy
we believe that… children are like trees. In the right environment, they can reach incredible heights.
will continuously provide a caring, loving, safe, respectful and family atmosphere to assist these unique toddlers in their physical, emotional, intellectual and social development.
The Prepared Environment
Each Montessori Toddler class consists of children nominally aged 1½ to 2½ years old. The classroom materials are handcrafted and colourful in order to stimulate the child’s senses and intellect. They are displayed at child height to encourage the child to decide which learning activity to master next.
Our "prepared environment" classroom features an ordered arrangement of these age-appropriate training materials which foster exploration and creativity. The teacher presents these resource materials in a safe and positive climate, thereby gaining the children’s trust, which enables the children to try new things and build self-confidence.
Since these learning materials are self-correcting, the children can inform themselves of mistakes thereby encouraging them to be more concerned with facts and developing strong, clear, articulate and discerning mental abilities.
Gradually children reveal and expand qualities such as:
- Concentration skills and longer attention spans
- Precision of movement with eye-hand coordination
- Self-discipline and social development with respect for others and the environment
- A sense of order
With the aid and exploration of practical life, sensorial, language and mathematics materials the child is continually learning about coordination, concentration, sequence of events and precision.
Practical Life
Toddlers enjoy learning
to climb these stairs!
The preliminary exercises include many of the daily living tasks children see as a part of the daily life in their home. Activities promoting dressing/undressing, toilet training and carrying things are included. Through these activities the children develop muscular coordination for fine and gross motor movements which enables focused movement and further exploration of their surroundings.
Ready for gardening
They learn to work at a task from beginning to end, develop their will, (defined by Dr. Maria Montessori as the intelligent direction of movement), their sense of discipline and their capacity for total concentration. These exercises enhance the development and refinement of physical movement.
Care of the environment both indoors and out, care of the person as well as grace and courtesy are achieved through living together with respect. |
Sensorial Materials
The classroom sensorial materials represent a selection of materials of various colours, shapes, textures and sizes for refinement of sensory perceptions and development. Children build cognitive skills and learn to order and classify impressions by touching, seeing, smelling, tasting, listening and exploring the physical properties of their environment through the manipulation of these specially-designed materials. Through the sequence of sensorial materials the child develops:
- Discrimination of Size achieving the ability to group long to short, large to small, thick to thin etc. of numerous similar objects.
- Discrimination of Colour experiencing the variety of colours in our environment while mixing and matching the materials in the various colour boxes.
- Discrimination of Shape learning the various geometric shapes such as cylinders, spheres, rods, bells and cubes and the ability to build particular items.
- Tactile (touch) Sense learning to differentiate between soft and coarse, thin and thick etc. while exploring various textures and surfaces used within the prepared environment.
- Taste, Smell and Hearing exercises enable the child to experience and realize that all things have distinct, taste smell or sound.
Language is vital to human existence. We use language to express our thoughts and provide effective communication. The Montessori environment provides rich and precise language development. It includes oral language development with reading, children’s literature and Montessori training materials.
- Preliminary Language exercises teach the child to listen carefully to the sounds that make up words as well as the whole words.
- Teacher Reading exercises allow the child to connect words with the corresponding objects. The introduction of phonetic cards, phonogram booklets and puzzle words help the child link sounds to these various objects.
Visual Arts
The children are encouraged to develop their creativity and self-esteem through exciting arts and crafts themes covering drawing, finger/string painting, print-making, easel work, cutting, gluing and play-doh sculpturing. The program is designed to guide the children in the discovery of their own potential for artistic expression through the introduction of these different art techniques.
The variety of weekly program themes will stimulate the children’s imagination and artistic creativity.
Circle Time
Circle time is when children develop their listening skills, self-confidence and learning about current events. This is a most enjoyable time for the children as they share ideas, express their thoughts and participate in stories, poems and songs. The weekly themes provide an opportunity to learn more in depth about particular topics of interest.
Through different types of vocal and played music, the child develops listening skills and an appreciation for different types of composing. Children are introduced to vocal singing and humming, clapping, movement and rhythmic activities.
Manipulative Play Time
Besides the extensive Montessori materials, a large variety of equipment, toys, puzzles and Lego sets help develop eye-hand coordination, fine motor and thinking skills while fostering self-discovery and imaginative play.
Physical Education
The school’s large, protected playground area with excellent playground equipment encourages children’s active play for enhanced physical development of balance, coordination, flexibility and good posture. The games and exercises include walking, running, climbing, hopping, cycling, sandbox etc.
During inclement weather, the children can continue their gross motor development indoors.
Hand/arm strengthening and coordination
Each day provides a balance of quiet and active growth oriented activities as well as time for snacking, eating, napping on raised cots and play. Some of these activities take place in groups while others are performed individually.
will provide a positive experience for your child with the best environment for enhanced development!